Ecuador travel day

Hello from Ecuador! 
After leaving Trinity on Saturday afternoon, we headed up to Christ Church, Greenville to bond and get to know the youth and adults from Christ Church and St Peters. “We unpacked and the got to know each other through dinner and games that we played. These games also got us prepared for the programs in Quito.” - Jamison Phillips
We then had a compline service and went to bed. In the morning we had a small commissioning service at Christ Church before loading onto the bus and heading to Atlanta! After some delays in Atlanta we finally boarded our plane to Quito! We were joined by another mission group on our flight. We were met by team members from Education Equals Hope at the airport and bussed to Alliance Academy. It was dark last night so we haven’t had too  much time to get a feel for the city, but today is our “adjustment” day where we will meet our partners from Education Equals Hope, get acquainted with the city, and adjust to the altitude. 
As we head into this time together, Matthew Miller “is excited for this trip because my older brother went on this trip years ago and he said it was amazing. I am excited to go to a new country and learn about a different culture.” 
Spirits are high and we are excited for our first day in Quito! Continue to keep our group in your prayers, and we can’t wait to see what God is doing in Ecuador! 
